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Matthew A. Hale
University of Washington

From: "Matthew A. Hale" [matthew.a.hale@gmail.com]
To: swlk@jinbo.net
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2011 15:10:12 -0600
Subject: release Oh sei-chull

Honorable Judge Hyung Doo Kim of the Seoul Central District Court,

Please commute the sentences of Oh sei-chull, Yang Hyo-seok, Yang Joon-seok, Choi Young-ik, Park Joon-seon, Jeong Won-hyung, and Oh Min-gyu. Republic of Korea is supposed to be a free and democratic country, so Korean citizens should not be imprisoned simply for belonging to a certain political party, or for participating in labor activism. These eight men are being indicted under the National Security Law, which is supposed to guard against DPRK activities in the ROC, but these eight men have no ties to the DPRK and are members of a party - the SWLK - which has an explicitly anti-DPRK, internationalist position, so their indictment under the National Security Law makes no sense. Imprisoning these men would make the ROC's legal system look as arbitrary and dictatorial as the DPRK's.
Commuting their sentences would help to demonstrate to the international community that the ROC is still a democratic and free country.


Matthew A. Hale
University of Washington
Seattle, USA


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Loren Goldner * Àü ¿¬¼¼´ë ±³È¯±³¼ö  
<Insurgent Notes>ÀÇ ÆíÁýÀÚ

From: Loren Goldner [lrgoldner@gmail.com]
To: swlk@jinbo.net
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2011 01:19:34 -0500
Subject: Solidarity with the SaNoRyon Defendants

Dear Judge Kim,

I am writing to you from New York City to express my concern about the pending sentencing of eight members of the SaNoRyon (Socialist Labor Alliance) on Jan. 27, in your court.
The Korean National Security Law, under which ¿À¼¼Ã¶ (Oh Se-cheol), ¾çÈ¿½Ä (Yang Hyo-sik), ¾çÁؼ® (Yang Joon-seok), ÃÖ¿µÀÍ (Choi Young-ik), ¹ÚÁؼ± (Park Joon-seon), Á¤¿øÇö (Jeong Won-hyun), ¿À¹Î±Ô (Oh Min-gyu) and ³²±Ã¿ø (Nam-goong Won) have been indicted should have been abolished long ago, as a violation of any contemporary concept of human rights.
The defendants are accused of no specific crime except the "crime" of being Marxists and socialists. This is "thought crime" in the worst sense of the word.
This case, as you may be aware, is attracting attention all over the world, and constitutes a shameful moment for the Korean government and the Korean legal system.
I therefore urge you to dismiss the case against them, as has been done on
two previous occasions since 2008.

Loren Goldner
Editor, Insurgent Notes


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David and Stuart Wise (university academics)
¿µ±¹, ·±´ø

From: David Wise [david_wise10961@yahoo.com]
To: swlk@jinbo.net
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2011 03:05:28 -0800 (PST)
Subject: The Jailings

Dear Sir/Ms,
We feel we must protest over the possible jail sentences that are most likely to be handed out re the decision on December 3rd of last year, when the prosecutor in the Seoul Central District Court demanded prison terms of 5-7 years for Oh sei-chull and  other members (Yang Hyo-sik, Yang Joon-seok,  Choi Young-ik,  Park Joon-seon, Jeong Won-hyun, Oh Min-gyu, and Nam-goong Won) of the Socialist Workers¡¯ Alliance of Korea (SWLK).  These  people were indicted under South Korea¡¯s notorious National Security Law (passed in 1948 and theoretically still stipulating the death penalty for ¡°pro-North¡± activities) when the individuals involved are not pro-North Korean oriented. This is a complete disgrace and we have informed many people in Britain about this decision, people whom no doubt will also be protesting about this brutal and nasty judicial action.

David and Stuart Wise (university academics) London, England.


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George Katsiaficas, Ph.D. *Çѱ¹¿¡ ÃâÆÇ ¹ø¿ªµÈ <Á¤Ä¡ÀÇ Àüº¹- 1968³â ÀÌÈÄÀÇ ÀÚÀ²Àû »çȸ¿îµ¿> ÀúÀÚ.
Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences
Wentworth Institute of Technology
550 Huntington Avenue
Boston MA 02115
+1 (617) 989-4384
Fax (617) 989-4591

From: george katsiaficas [katsiaficasg@wit.edu]
Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2011 07:22:45 -0500
Subject: For Judge Hyung Doo Kim

Judge Hyung Doo Kim
Seoul Central District Court

Dear Judge Kim:

I write to express my concern about the indictment and upcoming sentencing of Oh Sei-chull, Yang Hyo-sik, Yang Joon-seok, Choi Young-ik, Park Joon-seon, Jeong Won-hyun, Oh Min-gyu, and Nam-goong Won (members of the Socialist Workers Alliance of Korea) under the provisions of the National Security Law of 1948.

I ask you to consider the purely ideological and political character of their alleged offenses and call on you to uphold the democratic values won by Koreans in 1987. To sentence these defendants to prison would be a step toward the return to the dark days of dictatorship, when Koreans could not speak out and express themselves freely without fearing police repression.

In the name of civil liberties and democracy, I call on you to repudiate the notion of thoughts and words constituting crimes and uphold the values of freedom.

George Katsiaficas, Ph.D.
Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences
Wentworth Institute of Technology
550 Huntington Avenue
Boston MA 02115
+1 (617) 989-4384
Fax (617) 989-4591


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Lawrence Cohen (¹ø¿ªÀÛ°¡)
ÇÁ¶û½º, Æĸ®

From: Larry COHEN [larry.co@orange.fr]
To: swlk@jinbo.net
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2011 21:31:30 +0100
Subject: Dismay at court case against Korean labor activists

To the Right Honorable Judge Hyung Doo Kim:

I am dismayed to hear that eight South Korean labor activists are
facing the prospects of long prison sentences for what would be
considered anywhere in the world as mere "thought crime". On behalf
of the many people here in France who believe that freedom of
assembly, freedom to organize labor activity, freedom to strike and
freedom to espouse the views that one wishes are among the most
important freedoms of all, I urge you to dismiss the charges against
these activists.

Lawrence Cohen, translator, Paris, France


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E. Haberkern
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From: Ernest Haberkern [ehaberkern@pacbell.net]
To: swlk@jinbo.net
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2011 13:49:56 -0800 (PST)
Subject: McCarthyism in South Korea

Honorable Hyung Doo Kim
Seoul Central District Court  

I have just been informed that eight members of the Socialist Workers¡¯ Alliance of Korea are facing 5 to 7 years imprisonment on vague charges that amount to nothing more than an accusation that they are oppossed to the policies of the present government.

I find it disheartening that South Korea should imitate the dictatorship of the North in persecuting dissidents.

E. Haberkern
Berkeley California


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Matthew Quest, (PHD)
330 McGill Place NE #558
Atlanta, GA 30312

From: "Matthew Quest" [hismqq@langate.gsu.edu]
Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2011 17:58:40 -0500
Subject: Letter in Support of South Korean Labor Activists on Trial

330 McGill Place NE #558
Atlanta, GA 30312

Judge Hyung Doo Kim
Seoul Central District Court

Re: Oh sei-chull, Park Joon-seon, Choi Young-ik, Yang Joon-seok, Yang
Hyo-sik, Jeong Won-hyun, Oh Min-gyu, Nam-goong Won

Judge Kim:

I am a history professor at Georgia State University who is concerned about democracy and human rights in South Korea.
I write to raise my concern for justice for eight South Koreans who face 5-7 years of prison for their labor organizing. Please allow me to share a unique argument for evaluating their case.
These activists have been indicted under South Korea¡¯s National Security Law (1948) which in theory argues for the death penalty for ¡°pro-North¡± activities. Is this an ethical premise for evaluating these independent labor advocates?
A careful consideration of their cases reveals nuanced thinkers, and uncommonly democratic minded people for those who have been accused of no specific crime except being ¡°socialist.¡± What is a socialist? Are they advocates of a one party state? It is clear those on trial are not authoritarian Marxists but enemies of the North Korean state and patriotic South Koreans.
Yet they have been subject of perennial harassment for their intervention in strike activities going back to 2007. I understand their distribution of leaflets during the Ssangyong strike has been debated in your nation¡¯s courts. Yet, it is a staple of international law that labor organizing and strike activity is a democratic freedom.
As a university professor and historian concerned with free speech, press, and assembly, but also a rich exchange of ideas in world society regarding what are the terms of self-government; it appears these South Koreans are on trial for ¡°thought crimes.¡± These freedoms only are meaningful if they are protected for those who disagree.
Further, their case has been framed in a rigid manner. Intellectual as well as judicial rigor is at issue here. It is not merely a South Korean problem but a world problem. The meaning of this trial is not about national or global security from terror. It is larger than this strike or that labor action.
The issue, it seems to me, is whether or not, South Korean labor advocates are allowed to have an emancipating vision of their choice that is not dependent on Stalinism nor smeared falsely as associating with it. A judicial decision which makes this distinction clear once and for all in South Korea would not merely be a fair rendering of this case but an example to the world.

Matthew Quest, (PHD)
From: "O. Sidibe" [ousinhabib@hotmail.com]
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2011 19:32:09 -0500


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Matthew Lyons
324 West School House Lane
Philadelphia, PA 19144

From: Matthew Lyons [matthewnlyons@yahoo.com]
To: swlk@jinbo.net
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2011 18:15:33 -0800 (PST)
Subject: letter for Judge Kim

Judge Hyung Doo Kim
Seoul Central District Court
Republic of Korea

Dear Judge Kim:

I am writing to you regarding the cases of Oh Sei-chull, Yang Hyo-sik, Yang Joon-seok,  Choi Young-ik,  Park Joon-seon, Jeong Won-hyun, Oh Min-gyu, and Nam-goong Won, who face sentencing under the National Security Law.
I respectfully urge you to waive any and all sentences against these defendants. They have been accused of no specific crime except being socialists, although it appears that their real ¡°crime¡± was participation in strikes, such as the Ssangyong Motor Co. strike of 2009.
It is an outrage and a violation of international human rights when people are imprisoned simply because of their political views, or because of labor organizing and strikes. Please free these defendants.

Matthew Lyons
324 West School House Lane
Philadelphia, PA 19144


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Joanne Landy
Campaign for Peace and Democracy
New York City, ¹Ì±¹

From: Joanne Landy [jlandy@igc.org]
To: swlk@jinbo.net
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 00:15:21 -0500
Subject: Free the 8 Labor Activists!

Judge Hyung Doo Kim
Seoul Central District Court

Dear Judge Kim,

I am writing regarding the case of eight South Korean Labor Activists who
face 4-7 years in prison: Oh sei-chull, Yang Hyo-sik, Yang Joon-seok, Choi
Young-ik, Park Joon-seon, Jeong Won-hyun, Oh Min-gyu, and Nam-goong Won of
the Socialist Workers Alliance of Korea (SWLK). I ask that the charges be
dropped and that they be given back their freedom.

Joanne Landy
Campaign for Peace and Democracy
New York City, USA


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Richard Greeman

From: Richard Greeman [rgreeman@gmail.com]
To: swlk@jinbo.net
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 11:15:09 +0100
Subject: SWLK Prosecution

To: Judge Hyung Doo Kim of the Seoul Central District Court
From; Dr. Richard Greeman, Montpellier, France

Your Honor:
I am taking the liberty of respectfully writing you to express my concern and that of my organization, American For Peace and Justice,, about the harsh prosecution of Oh sei-chull and other members (Yang Hyo-seok, Yang Joon-seok, Choi Young-ik, Park Joon-seon, Jeong Won-hyung, and Oh Min-gyu, Nam Goong-Won) of the Socialist Workers Alliance of Korea (SWLK).
Socialist the world around are concerned that these defendants are being prosecuted for being socialists, not for any specific crime agains Korean society.
Thank you for your consideration of our opinion, which reflects world opinion on this urgent subject.
Most respectfully, Richard Greeman


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Shirin Hirsch *¿µ±¹ ¸àü½ºÅÍ ´ëÇÐ ±³¼ö

From: Shirin Hirsch [Shirin.Hirsch@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk]
To: "swlk@jinbo.net"
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 10:27:48 +0000

Dear Judge Hyung Doo Kim,

I am outraged to discover the news that a number of leading South Korean activists will be sentenced to jail for no crime but their politics. As a teacher at manchester university, England, I will be bringing this up with members of staff to raise awareness at the terrible state of human rights in South Korea. I am also planning to attend an Amnesty International meeting next week and already this issue is on the agenda to be discussed and campaigned around. These sentences must not go ahead or we will certainly launch an internatonal campaign of solidarity for these brave activists.

Best wishes,

Shirin Hirsch


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John E. Chiaradia
Formerly of Headquarters Battery
31 Field Artillery Battallon
7th Infantry Division

From: Pitus1@aol.com
To: swlk@jinbo.net
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 05:35:46 EST
Subject: 8 Activist Workers

Dear Judge Hyung Do Kim:

As a veteran of the 7th Infantry Division, US Army, I landed in Inchon on September 9, 1945, arrived in Seoul December 10 and spent an entire year with the motorized Military Police I can speak with authority of events in South Korea 1945-50. I sat in an MP jeep on August 15, 1946, at the South Gate of Seoul watching the two parades, left and right, celebrating liberation and recall how more numerous were the left demonstrators. I knew about Leuh Won Huen, the leader of the People's Republic assassinated in 1947. I read the reports of correspondent Walter Sullivan of the New York Times whose articles in 1948-49 described South Korea as suffering under a terror "unequalled anywhere in the world." Those were the years of the Sigmund Rhee repression. Today a law from that period may be used to wrongfully imprison 8 labor activists of the Socialist Workers Alliance of Korea. At a time when in the US there is a growing enlightenment of what happened in those early years, I urge you not to apply that legislation in the case of the 8 workers. Fair standards of justice must be applied equally in both Koreas.

John E. Chiaradia

Formerly of Headquarters Battery
31 Field Artillery Battallon
7th Infantry Division


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From: °­¼öµ¹ [ksd@korea.ac.kr]
To: "Loren Goldner"
Cc: swlk@jinbo.net
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 21:38:44 +0900
Subject: Re:Re: SaNoRyon trial


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Paul Sager * ´º¿å´ëÇÐ ±³¼ö
Ph.D. Candidate
New York University

From: Paul Sager [paul.sager@nyu.edu]
To: swlk@jinbo.net
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 09:58:09 -0500
Subject: Message to Judge Hyung Doo Kim

Dear Judge Hyung Doo Kim,

On December 3, 2010, the prosecutor in the Seoul Central District Court requested prison terms of 5-7 years for Oh sei-chull and other members (Yang Hyo-sik, Yang Joon-seok, Choi Young-ik, Park Joon-seon, Jeong Won-hyun, Oh Min-gyu, and Nam-goong Won) of the Socialist Workers¡¯ Alliance of Korea (SWLK), a small group seeking political change in all countries of the world, including North as well as South Korea. These political activists are accused of no crime other than being socialists. They are being charged under the antiquated National Security Law, a law dating from 1948,
toward the beginning of ideologically-charged conflict in the Korean peninsula, Sixty-three years later, there is absolutely no social purpose in such an ideologically-motivated prosecution. Indeed, it flies in the face of current democratic norms, particularly when the group in question in no way supports the North Korean regime, but rather advocates its suppression by popular forces. This position cannot be amalgamated to any notion of treason in the on-going state of war between South Korea and the de-facto regime occupying the northern part of the peninsula.
I urge you to dismiss these charges, just as other judges have previously done several times since 2008.


Paul Sager
Ph.D. Candidate
New York University


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Samuel Farber *ºê·èŬ¸° ´ëÇÐ Á¤Ä¡ÇÐ ±³¼ö
Professor Emeritus
Political Science
Brooklyn College of CUNY

From: samuel farber [samuelfarber@hotmail.com]
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 12:05:49 -0500
Subject: on labor activists

Dear Judge Kim:

I would respectfully like to object to the possible sentencing of labor activists for crimes of opinion and not of actual conduct. They should be immediately freed.

Samuel Farber
Professor Emeritus
Political Science
Brooklyn College of CUNY


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Tom Ronse * ½Å¹®Àú³Î¸®½ºÆ®
journalist with the Belgian daily newspaper De Morgen

From: Tom Ronse [tomronse@yahoo.com]
To: swlk@jinbo.net
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 09:17:08 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Prosecution of thought-crimes in ROC

To judge Hyung Doo Kim:

Esteemed judge,
the prosecution of Oh Sei-Chull and the other members of the Socialist Workers
Alliance of Korea has shocked many people in the USA, Europe and Latin America.
We thought South-Korea was a developed nation but the fact that it still
prosecutes people for their beliefs makes it appear otherwise. It will do
enormous damage to the reputation of the ROC if these people are convicted.
South-Korea will appear in the eyes of the world as similar to North-Korea,
brutal and primitive.


Tom Ronse
journalist with the Belgian daily newspaper De Morgen


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Gregory R. King
Boston, MA, ¹Ì±¹

From: Greg King [gking900@msn.com]
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 14:48:50 -0500
Subject: Judge Kim

Dear Judge Kim,
It has been sad to see the Republic of Korea reverting to a modus operandi more suited to the days of Park Chung-hee. As I am sure you are well aware, a tolerant, democratic society would allow groups like the SWLK to operate, as long as they stay within those more tolerant legal bounds. Assisting, acting in solidarity with strike activity should be perfectly acceptable activity. I know that the great exemplar of democratic practice, the United States, is acting more as if Park (or George W. Bush) is in charge these days, what with the grand jury investigations of antiwar activists. However, the Republic of Korea and its jurists certainly do not have to follow that example. You are a judge in a court of law in a sovereign state. In the final analysis, you will of course act in accordance with your laws, not some other nation's. But please take the nature of the SWLK members' activities into consideration in your sentencing.

Gregory R. King
Boston, MA, USA


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Roger Cox.
Cert., Ed.

From: Roger Cox [coxfroger@hotmail.com]
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 21:08:18 +0000
Subject: Judge Kim
10 January 2011

Dear Judge Kim
I am a retired engineer and teacher and I urgently appeal to you reject completely the demands of the prosecutors in the case of the six members of the Socialist Workers' Alliance of Korea.
It would appear that the only crime they have committed is that of being Socialist and it is outrageous that they should be threaten with long jail sentences for their beliefs. Beliefs I must say shared by many millions of people around the world.
We understand that South Korea claims to be a democratic country where people can campaign for their ideas if they are jailed how can we then be confident that there is any difference between South Korea and the North. Surly the test of any democratic country is the tolerance of debate, discussion and activity that presents a different view of the world.
I therefore appeal to you to defend our common democratic heritage by rejecting prison sentences.

Thank You

Roger Cox.
Cert., Ed.


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Eli Friedman  * Ķ¸®Æ÷´Ï¾Æ´ëÇÐ ±³¼ö
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Sociology
University of California, Berkeley

From: Eli Friedman [elidf@berkeley.edu]
To: <632918.97902.qm@web161407.mail.bf1.yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 13:21:08 -0800
Subject: Re: Korean Labor Militants Face 5-7 Years in Prison

Judge Hyung Doo Kim,
I am writing to protest the possible conviction of eight labor activists
from the Socialist Workers' Alliance of Korea. This unfair use of the
National Security Law is clearly politically motivated, and harkens back to
a much darker period in Korean history before freedom of speech and
association were guaranteed. I demand the immediate dropping of all charges
against the activists!
Eli Friedman
Eli Friedman
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Sociology
University of California, Berkeley


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Jim Casey, State Secretary
1-7 Belmore St, Surry Hills NSW 2010
P 02 9218 3444 | F 02 9218 3488

From: Jim Casey [jcasey@fbeu.net]
To: swlk@jinbo.net
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2011 08:52:14 +1100
Subject: Sentencing of SWLK activists

For the Attention of Judge Hyung Doo Kim, Seoul Central District Court
I lead the Firefighters Union of NSW - an industrial organisation that represents the 6000 professional firefighters in the state of NSW, Australia.
It is with deep concern that I have read of the trial and impending sentencing of eight South Korean labour activists.
These eight have been accused of no specific criminal act - rather they have been found guilty of holding socialist ideas.
I have always understood South Korea to be a robust democracy. A robust democracy should be able to accommodate ideas and activity across the political spectrum. Indeed, the capacity of a society to do just that strikes me as the very definition of a robust democracy.
Sentencing occurs on the 27th of this month. I urge you to not give these eight labour activists custodial sentences.


Jim Casey, State Secretary
1-7 Belmore St, Surry Hills NSW 2010
P 02 9218 3444 | F 02 9218 3488


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David Kersey
From: David Kersey [dkcov2003@yahoo.co.uk]
To: swlk@jinbo.net
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 21:59:20 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Trial of South Korean Labor Activists

To Whom It May Concern

I am writing to express my grave concern at the potential indictment of Oh Sei-Chull, Yang Hyo-seok, Yang Joon-seok, Choi Young-ik, Park Joon-seon, Jeong Won-hyung, and Oh Min-gyu under the National Security Law in South Korea.
I do not believe it is a democratic practise to imprison people who profess socialist ideas and I do not believe South Korea will go unwatched on this issue.
Many Trade Unionists in the United Kingdom are aware of this trial and I will be communicating the outcome to my trade union colleagues in my union branch (aprox 2,000 members). The decision you make will impact on the credibility of South Korea's claim to be an open democratic society, such a claim implies the tolerance of dissent.

Yours Sincerely
David Kersey


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Steve Wright * È£ÁÖÀÇ ¸¼½ºÁÖÀÇ ÇÐÀÚ
Melbourne, È£ÁÖ

From: swright99@iinet.net.au
To: swlk@jinbo.net
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2011 17:17:13 +1100
Subject: =?WINDOWS-1252?Q?Socialist_Workers=92_Alliance_of_Korea_court_ca?=

I write to express my grave concern regarding the threat of
imprisonment currently facing members of Socialist Workers Alliance
of Korea in the Seoul Central District Court.
Since adherence to a political doctrine should never be grounds for
imprisonment, I call upon Judge Hyung Doo Kim to dismiss the
prosecution case against the defendants.

Steve Wright
Melbourne, Australia


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Jesse Holly,
from Adelaide Solidarity Network

From: Jesse Holly [jesse.holly@hotmail.com]
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 00:54:28 +1100
Subject: Activists facing jail. Solidarity message.

Let the activists of SWLK go free. (Yang Hyo-seok, Yang Joon-seok, Choi Young-ik, Park Joon-seon, Jeong Won-hyung, and Oh Min-gyu)
Don't let the government persecute activists because of their politics. They have committed no crime.

Jesse Holly, from Adelaide Solidarity Network, Australia.


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Sacha Ismail
For the AWL

This is a solidarity message from the socialist organisation Alliance
for Workers' Liberty, based mainly in the UK and Australia.
We protest at the legal persecution being aimed against the Socialist
Workers' Alliance of Korea.

Sacha Ismail
For the AWL


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Taru Salmenkari  * Çɶõµå Çï½ÅÅ° ´ëÇÐ ±³¼ö
University of Helsinki

still thought crimes in Korea?

Esteemed Judge Hyung Doo Kim,

I have received worrying news that South Korea is still imprisoning
people because of their ideological beliefs. It seems that Oh
sei-chull,Yang Hyo-sik, Yang Joon-seok, Choi Young-ik, Park
Joon-seon, Jeong Won-hyun, Oh Min-gyu, and Nam-goong Won are accused
only for holding socialist ideological conviction.
Here in Europe, freedom of thought has been recognized as one of the
basic human rights already in the 19th century (in some countries in
the 18th century), and I would like to inquire is it true that South
Korea is still so backward country that it does not recognize freedoms
of thought and speech even in the 21st century?

Sincerely Yours,
Taru Salmenkari
University of Helsinki


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Demetra Kotouza * ·±´ø ¸ÞÆ®·ÎÆú¸®Åº ´ëÇÐ
Doctoral Student
Working Lives Research Institute
London Metropolitan University

Companies Act 2006 : http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/companyinfo

On the trial of Oh Sei-chull and other activists

Dear Judge Hyung Doo Kim,

It has come to my attention that seven members of the Socialist Workers Alliance of Korea are facing prosecution for their activism and political beliefs, and that the Seoul Central District Court demanded prison terms of 5-7 years for them.
Not only is such a sentence disproportionate to their supposed crime, but the prosecution itself, and the law it appeals to, is effectively an extreme version of censorship. Prosecuting individuals for their political activism is deeply undemocratic and has no place in a country that pretends to be liberal and tries to distance itself from North Korea. This practice is a return to the cold war fear of Communism of
the McCarthy regime in the USA.
You should also be aware that this kind of authoritarian suppression of the left will only serve to create a backlash and strengthen exactly those ideas the South Korean state is attempting to silence. History tells us so, as this was the result of this type of authoritarianism on both sides of the Iron Curtain.

With regards,
Demetra Kotouza
Doctoral Student
Working Lives Research Institute
London Metropolitan University
Companies Act 2006 : http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/companyinfo


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Stephen Shenfield  * ±¹Á¦Àαǹý È°µ¿°¡
145 Colonial Road
RI 02906

The case of Oh Se-Cheol and others

Judge Hyung Doo Kim
Seoul Central District Court

January 12, 2011

Dear Judge Hyung Doo Kim

Having worked in the field of international human rights law, I am very concerned at reports that I have read concerning a case currently under your jurisdiction. I refer to the case against Oh Se-Cheol, Yang Hyo-sik, Yang Jun-seok, Choi Young-ik, Nam Goong Won, Park Jun-Seon, Jeong Won-Hyung, and Oh Min-Gyu, who are charged under your country's National Security Law.
I was surprised to learn that these persons have been charged even though very similar charges have been brought against some of them several times over the last three years and each time the defendants were acquitted. Is this compatible with the principle that people should not be tried twice, let alone repeatedly, for what is substantially the same offense? I note that the prohibition of double jeopardy is enshrined in Article 13 of your country's Constitution.

This background circumstance in itself casts serious doubt on the validity
of the current charges. I hope and trust that you will take full account of
these previous cases in reaching your decision.
Regarding the National Security Law, I would like to emphasize two points.
First, this law was promulgated for the purpose of countering the threat
posed to South Korea by agents and supporters of the aggressive,
militaristic, and totalitarian regime in North Korea. However, the political
views that have been expressed in printed as well as oral form by Oh
Se-Cheol and the other defendants make it very clear that they cannot
possibly be considered agents or supporters of the Pyongyang regime. On the
contrary, they have repeatedly condemned that regime in the harshest terms.
Second, Article 1 paragraph 2 of the National Security Law states that "any
expanded interpretation of this law or infringement on this basis of
citizens' rights guaranteed by the Constitution shall not be permitted."
Especially pertinent in the given context are citizens' constitutional
rights to freedom of speech and press (Article 21) and workers'
constitutional rights to independent association and collective action
(Article 33). If we consider these two Articles in combination, we can
conclude that writing and distributing a leaflet in support of a strike come
clearly within the scope of constitutional rights that cannot be infringed
on the basis of some arbitrary expanded interpretation of the National
Security Law.  

Stephen Shenfield
145 Colonial Road
RI 02906


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Martin Rezny

Dear Hyung Doo-kim,

Hereby I would like to protest against the trial that is being held against the eight members of the Socialist Workers¡¯ Alliance of Korea, Oh Sei-chull, Yang Hyo-seok, Yang Joon-seok, Choi Young-ik, Park Joon-seon, Jeong Won-hyung, Oh Min-gyu, and Won Nam-goong.
I consider it unacceptable and shameful to hold a trial against these workers because of their political opinions and I demand that you drop all the charges instantly.
I will inform people in Slovakia and in other countries about this trial and the distasteful steps of the South Korean state.

Martin Rezny


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  Æú Å×ÀÏ·¯(Paul Taylor)


Support for South Korean Labor Activists
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D. Monty Neill
Boston, MA, USA


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Margaret M.Gullette
* ¿©¼ºÇבּ¸¼Ò »óÁÖÇÐÀÚ
* Aged by Culture(Christian Science Monitor 'ÀÌ ÇØÀÇ Ã¥'À¸·Î ¼±Á¤)
* Declining to Decline('¹Ì±¹ ´ëÁß¹®È­ ÃÖ°íÀÇ ¿©¼ºÁÖÀÇ ¼­Àû'À¸·Î ¼±Á¤)
Brandeis University

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Patrick Bond
Senior Professor, University of KwaZUlu-Natal, Durban, South Africa


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Jeffrey Fortuin * MBSA - Numsa ³ëµ¿ÀÚ ´ëÇ¥, ¹°·ù ºÎ¹®
East London
South Africa


±èÇüµÎ ÀçÆÇÀå ±ÍÇÏ,

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Professor Alfredo Saad Filho * °³¹ßÇÐ ±³¼ö
SOAS, University of London
Thornhaugh Street, London WC1H 0XG
United Kingdom


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Dr.Andrei Lankov, * ±¹¹Î´ëÇб³ ±³¼ö


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Dr. Heiner Koehnen
TIE Internationales Bildungswerk e.V.
Heidestr. 131
D-60385 Frankfurt
Tel.: +49-69-97 76 06 66
Fax: +49-69-97 76 06 69


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Vojtech Urban
2010³â 1¿ù 13ÀÏ
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Lee Sustar *¹Ì±¹ ÀÛ°¡ ³ëµ¿Á¶ÇÕ Á¶ÇÕ¿ø


¹Ì±¹ÀÇ ÇÐÀÚµé°ú ¿¬±¸ÀÚµéÀº ¾ð·Ð ÃâÆÇÀÇ ÀÚÀ¯ ¹× ÀÚ½ÅÀÇ Á¤ºÎ¿Í °í¿ëÁÖ¿¡ ´ëÇØ Ç×ÀÇÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ´Â ±Ç¸®°¡ ¹ÎÁÖ »çȸ¿¡ ÇʼöÀûÀ̶ó°í ¿©±ä´Ù. Á¤ºÎ°¡ ¿À¼¼Ã¶ ¹× »ç³ë·Ã ȸ¿øµéÀ» ±â¼ÒÇÑ °ÍÀº ÀÌ·¯ÇÑ ¹ÎÁÖÀû ±Ç¸®¿¡ ´ëÇÑ °ø°ÝÀ̸ç, ¹ÎÁÖÀû ±Ç¸®¸¦ ¹Ï´Â »ç¶÷µéÀ» ¸ð¿åÇÏ´Â °ÍÀÌ´Ù. ¹ÎÁÖ »çȸ¿¡¼­ »ç»ó¹üÁË´Â ÀÖÀ» ¼ö ¾ø´Ù. »ç»ó¹üÀ» ó¹úÇÏ´Â Á¤ºÎ¿¡ ´ëÇÑ À¯°¨À» Ç¥ÇÏ´Â ¹ÙÀÌ´Ù.
   Alan Milchman * ¹Ì±¹ Äý½ºÄø®Áö ´ëÇÐ ±³¼ö
   Department of Political Science
   Queens College of the City
   University of New York

protest against the imprisonment of SPA militants

Academics and researchers in the United States take the right to speak and
publish freely, and to be able to protest against their own government and
employers, as essential to a democratic society. The imprisonment and
upcoming trial of Oh sei-chull and other memebers of the SWLK by the
government of South Korea is an attack on the very fabric of such democratic
rights, and an affront to those who believe in them. In a democratic society
there can be no "thought crimes." Such actions dishonor the government that
engages in them.


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With the greatest respect
Yours sincerely
Michele Tomaiuolo  

15 January 2011

To Judge Hyung Doo Kim Seoul Central District Court

Your Honour
I am a university researcher in ICT, I am writing to you on behalf of Oh sei-chull, Yang Hyo-sik, Yang Joon-seok, Choi Young-ik, Park Joon-seon, Jeong Won-hyun, Oh Min-gyu, and Nam-goong Won.  Their case has created a great echo in blogs, on the Web, and on the international press in general.  As I understand, they are due to be tried and sentenced by you under the National Security Law of the (Sixth) Republic of Korea¡¯s legal code, which has not been used in recent years with such politically dire consequences, probably in recognition of the fact that Cold War is over.  If it is used now it will not only inappropriately undermine the moral authority which South Korea enjoys in the world but it will also undermine faith in the Republic¡¯s Constitution, Chapter Two of which guarantees the right of free speech. These men are not accused of any violent or destructive action but only of arguing for a course of action which the current government did not find congenial. That seems to amount to exercising their right to free speech.
I appeal to you to consider these factors (which I have no doubt you are having to weigh up) and to dismiss the case against the accused.

Dear Hyung Doo-kim,

Hereby I would like to protest against the trial that is being held against the eight members of the Socialist Workers Alliance of Korea, Oh Se-cheol, Yang Hyo-seok, Yang Joon-seok, Choi Young-ik, Park Joon-seon, Jeong Won-hyun, Oh Min-gyu, and Won Nam-goong.

I consider it unacceptable and shameful to hold a trial against these workers because of their political opinions and I demand that you drop all the charges instantly.젨 This kind of repression will be a blight on South Korea's domestic and international standing as a democratic state.   Imprisoning workers for years because of a thought crime, all based on an antiquated law that should have been abolished years ago by any self-described democracy, is the action of a state that requires worldwide universal denunciation and condemnation.

I will inform people in the United States and in other countries about this trial and the distasteful steps of the South Korean state.


Dear Judge Kim,

Please do not incarcerate Oh Sei-Chull, Yang Hyu-seok, Yang Joon-seok, Choi Young-ik, Park Joon-seon, Jeong Won-hyung, and Oh Min-gyu of the Socialist Workers' Alliance of Korea based on their political beliefs.  They are not pro-North Korea or support authoritarianism; rather they advocate the greatest possible democracy by insisting on democracy in the economic as well as the political sphere.  South Korea becomes more like its northern neighbor when these accusations land people in prison.

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Mitchell Stewart


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Dear Judge Kim

- I urge you to dismiss all charges against the SWLK members being charged under the National Security Law.  There can be no justice if citizens are tried for "thought crimes".  I am following the outcome of this case and hope justice will prevail and all charges dismissed.  

Sincerely,  Linda Ray  San Francisco  California  USA


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Tania Toffanin  * ÀÌÅ»¸®¾Æ ÆÄµÎ¾Æ ´ëÇÐ
Post doc researcher
University of Padua, Italy

Appeal to the judge Hyung Kim Doo

Oh-sei Chull and other members of the Socialist Workers Alliance of Korea (Yang Hyo-sik, Yang Joon-seok, Choi Young-ik, Park Joon-seon, Won Jeong-hyun, Oh Min-gyu, Won and Nam-Goong) risk being sentenced to prison under the exiting law on National Security approved in 1948.
Their only crime is to be socialists and having been involved in strikes and movements dating back to 2007. I am writing to urge that these activists not be sentenced to prison. The crimes of which they are accused are not properly considered crimes in democratic countries - that of protest, union activity and strikes. It is improper for a democratic country to sentence people to prison for exercising their rights in a society that claims to be free. I urge you as judge in this case to free the accused.

Tania Toffanin
Borsista di ricerca
Dipartimento di Sociologia
Facolt di Scienze Politiche
Universit di Padova
Via Melchiorre Cesarotti, 12
35123 Padova - Italy
cell. 347 9269242


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Peter Nemenn
16. 1. 2011
Rimavsk Sobota SLOVAKIA
From the IWA-Secretariat

To  Judge Hy
Dear Hyung Doo-kim,

Hereby I would like to protest against the trial that is being held against the eight members of the Socialist Workers Alliance of Korea, Oh Se-cheol, Yang Hyo-seok, Yang Joon-seok, Choi Young-ik, Park Joon-seon, Jeong Won-hyun, Oh Min-gyu, and Won Nam-goong.
I consider it unacceptable and shameful to hold a trial against these workers because of their political opinions and I demand that you drop all the charges instantly.
I will inform people in Slovakia and in other countries about this trial and the distasteful steps of the South Korean state.


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Hyung Doo-kim,

Hereby we would like to protest against the trial that is being held against
the eight members of the Socialist Workers¡¯ Alliance of Korea, Oh Se-cheol,
Yang Hyo-seok, Yang Joon-seok, Choi Young-ik, Park Joon-seon, Jeong
Won-hyun, Oh Min-gyu, and Won Nam-goong.

We consider it unacceptable and shameful to hold a trial against these
workers because of their political opinions and we demand that you
drop all the charges instantly.

Oslo, January 16th 2011
on behalf of the Secretariat of  the
International Workers Association (IWA-AIT)
Rolf Petter Larsen
General Secretary



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Yours sincerely,
Marcus Munzlinger, secretary of the FAU-IAA, local syndicat Kiel (Germany)
Dear honorable Hyung Doo-kim,

In short time, there will be trial held in Your court against Oh Se-cheol,
Yang Hyo-seok, Yang Joon-seok, Choi Young-ik, Park Joon-seon, Jeong
Won-hyun, Oh Min-gyu, and Won Nam-goong. According to our informations,
the charges against them only base on their political opinion and activity
as members of a workers' organisation. If true, this is in no way
acceptable. The organisation amongst workers is an act of direct
participation in society, whatever the social model of that particular
society might be. As secretary of the local section of the Union "Freie
ArbeiterInnen Union" in Kiel (Germany), which is also a member of the
"International-Workers-Association" (IWA), I would like to ask You for
further information in the case; if it's not possible for You and Your
court to disprove that those eight mentioned above are trialed not for
criminal, but political charges, we have to request in urgency that the
trial will be stopped and the charges be dropped immediately.
For myself, that I was born in West-Berlin and therefore raised in a
conflict situation quite similar to the one between north- and south
Korea, I do know that in moments of sudden crisis BOTH sides tend to use
the current situation to bear down political opponents. However, we cannot
accept such ideologically motivated developments within the judical
structur of WHATEVER system or state. We are convinced that the "Socialist
Workers Alliance of Korea" has nothing to do with any stalinist, north
Korean influence, but is a free, self-organised association for the
workers' rights. We cannot tolerate any repression against these
activists, since we for ourselves are fightig for workers rights and the
end of exploitation - in our country and worldwide. Our solidarity is with
the trialed activists of the "Socialist Workers Alliance of Korea" - Oh
Se-cheol, Yang Hyo-seok, Yang Joon-seok, Choi Young-ik, Park Joon-seon,
Jeong Won-hyun, Oh Min-gyu, and Won Nam-goong.


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Jos Antonio Gutirrez *¾ÆÀÏ·£µå Àú³Î¸®½ºÆ®
Chilean journalist and political analyst based in Ireland

Solidarity with the 8 accused workers

Dear judge Kim,

It is in absolute schock that I have heard of your intention to give penalties of up to seven years in prison to the workers Oh sei-chull, Yang Hyo-sik, Yang Joon-seok,  Choi Young-ik,  Park Joon-seon, Jeong Won-hyun, Oh Min-gyu y Nam-goong Won for the mere crime of being socialists.

That in the 21st century, in a nation that takes great pride of its supposed democracy (which supposedly is the distinguishing line with the regime in the North), still people can be condemned for the mere crime of holding certain political ideas, is nothing short of shameful.

As a person who was raised under a dictatorship, in my case that of general Pinochet, it is my moral duty to extend my solidarity to anyone who stands accused of exercising his democratic right to have political ideas different than those of the ruling clique.

In condemining them, you will be tarnishing your own reputation and that of the "democracy" you are supposed to defend in shame, because there are, internationally, many people who will not forget this crime and who will stand in solidarity with these men you would send to prison.

An injury to one, is an injury to all, remember those words, for the fate of these innocent men is in your hands,

Jos Antonio Gutirrez
Chilean journalist and political analyst based in Ireland



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protest letter

Sending you a protest letter against the arrest of those persons od socialist workers leauge of Korea.
Pls dwnld the attachment file. We from India.

During our meeting today we have got the news that eight militants of the "Socialist Workers¡¯ League of Korea" (Sanoryun) have been arrested and charged under South Korea¡¯s infamous "National Security Law". They are due to be sentenced on 27th January. What we have understood is that the comrades are accused of forming a group which benefits the North Korea! However, practically we do not know the comrades but we are sure from the news that they were neither involved in any kind of conspiracy against the South Korean state nor do any activities which serve the capitalist purpose of North Korea. They did explain the real bankrupt state of world capitalism and the only positive alternative before humanity to be free from present inhuman condition of society throughout the world. They did not revolt against the state. They have only tried to think of it and to diffuse the thought towards the working class with their limited capacity. So we show our whole hearted hatred against this arrest and trial and demand immediate release of those comrades whose interest knows no national boundary but the interest of the universal human species. We do show our international solidarity to the comrades.
With earnest wish of release of the comrades concerned immediately.
We, the participants of the discussion forum on 16th January 2011.


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I wish to express my sincere outrage at the news that eight South Korean
leftists associated with the Socialist Workers' League of South Korea
face the prospect of years in jail for their political beliefs.
This is an anti-democratic act repression that suggests that the right-wing
repression that characterized South Korean capitalism for many decades
is continuing.
In recent years the claim has been put forward that South
Korea is now a democratic society in which citizens enjoy the right to
read and say what they wish, to freely associate and put forward ideas
without police state interference.
The persecution of Oh sei-chull, Yang Hyo-seok, Yang Joon-seok, Choi Young-ik, Park Joon-seon, Jeong Won-hyun, Oh Min-gyu and Nam-goong Won makes it clear that many of the same sinister and anti-democratic practices are continuing to this day.
I demand that all charges against these persecuted socialists be dropped
immediately and unconditionally.

Yours for democratic rights,

Tom Reid
University of Toronto, member of Canadian Union of Public Employees

Local 1230            


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Makoto Itoh *µ¿°æ´ë ¸í¿¹ ±³¼öÀÌÀÚ, ÀϺ»Çлç¿ø ȸ¿ø
Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo and a member of the Japan Academy

Dear Judge Hyung Doo Kim
I sincerely hope and expect that as a protector of fundamental human right on
freedom of social thought and speeach, you would obviate or widely reduce the
pending sentences to respectable Professor Oh sei-chull, and other sevem membe
rs of Socialists Workers' Alliance of Korea (SWLK).
Restectfully yours,


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2011³â 1¿ù 16ÀÏ

Asian Transnational Corporation Monitoring Network, ATNC
Asia Monitor Resource Centre, Hong Kong
Labour Action China, Hong Kong
Working People's Association, Indonesia
Environics Trust, India
Korean House for International Solidarity, Korea
Workers Assistance Centre, the Philippines
National Free Trade Union, Sri Lanka
Thai Labor Campagin, Thailand
Taiwan Labor Information & Education Association, Taiwan
Yokohama Action Research, Japan
Globalization Monitor, Hong Kong
Solidarity of Cavite Workers, Philippines
Committee for Asian Women, Thailand
Labor Education and Research, Inc, Philippines
Independent Democracy of Informal Economy Association,

             <Petition for SWLK>

Dear Judge Hyung Doo Kim,

We are the Asian Transnational Corporation Monitoring Network, composed of labor unions, labor organizations and individuals in Asia. We are writing to complain the fact that the Korean government prosecuted the members of the Socialist Workers¡¯ Alliance of Korea (SWLK) and demanded prison terms of 5-7 years for the accused.

Most of all, we are unable to understand why the South Korean government is repressing and prosecuting people under the National Security Act. It is shameful for South Korea as a member state in the OECD as well as the United Nations Human Rights Council to maintain a law that denies the freedom of thought and conscience. It is unconvincing that people should be thrown into prison merely by the fact that they overtly supported socialism. Even the South Korean Court initially denied the arrest warrant against the members of the SWLK and stated that the SWLK is not "enemy-benefiting organization" defined by the National Security Act.

The members intervened into several strikes including the Ssangyong Motor strike in 2007 and the Yongsan-Tragedy struggle in 2008. They participated as they believed that social problems in South Korea are mostly due to capitalist system. The democratic society has been developed based on free flow of information and exchange of opinions. Also, it is essential for a democratic society to share different views and political opinions. The members have the right and freedom to discuss the social problems in the capitalistic country and therefore have their own political opinions. Can the discourse on alternative economic system be allowed under the South Korean Constitution? Do you genuinely believe that the accused, eight activists who organized several forums, discussed and took part in several demonstrations peacefully with their own agenda, will bring the society to a crisis in South Korea?

The considerable level of democracy and human rights in South Korea is due to the consistent efforts of the activists such as the SWLK. Civil rights and liberties of the people would not have been protested if there were no activists who fight for the people. Korean democracy and human rights, however, are at risk under the Lee Myung-bak government. Labor unions¡¯activities as well as laborers¡¯ rights have been oppressed by the current government.

We believe that the oppression against the SWLK activists by the Lee Myung-bak government is because of the pro-capitalist orientation of the government. Accordingly, prosecutors are labeling them as the enemy of South Korea and trying to throw them in jail.

We would like to ask you whether these activists who work and fight for the people is the enemy of your nation. Why do South Korean prosecutors only work on behalf of capitalists and the rich? We think that the prosecuting authority is rather the enemy of South Korean democracy.

Your Honor,

We hope that the court protects the activists¡¯freedom and rights as it has done before. Your decision will be significant for assessing the level of democracy in South Korea. Your decision will also be an indicator of whether laborers¡¯basic rights are being protected in South Korea. If they get imprisoned, the news will be diffused to our families, friends, and colleagues and the image of South Korean cultural waves as well as South Korean corporations will be harmed. Basic civil rights and liberties of the people should be protected in South Korea and in all Asian countries.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration. We hope that you make a discreet decision based on common sense.

Sincerely Yours,
Asian Transnational Corporation Monitoring Network, ATNC
Asia Monitor Resource Centre, Hong Kong
Labour Action China, Hong Kong
Working People's Association, Indonesia
Environics Trust, India
Korean House for International Solidarity, Korea
Workers Assistance Centre, the Philippines
National Free Trade Union, Sri Lanka
Thai Labor Campagin, Thailand
Taiwan Labor Information & Education Association, Taiwan
Yokohama Action Research, Japan
Globalization Monitor, Hong Kong
Solidarity of Cavite Workers, Philippines
Committee for Asian Women, Thailand
Labor Education and Research, Inc, Philippines
Independent Democracy of Informal Economy Association,

16 January, 2011
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